Thursday 10 March 2011

COACH'S CORNER : The slice keeping Faure at # 2

Since the dawn of the TWO RANDER  many years ago, Brian Faure has battled with one major problem throughout,besides his putting back in 09, often costing him more than just the TWO RANDER title, but sponsorships, book deals and overall confidence in his golfing abiliteis. Here we analyse some of the swing problems he has. (diagram is a right handed player. Left handed diagram is available on request from Faure's swing coach Keith)  WHAT TRIGGERS A SLICE? After many years of teaching thousands of average golfers, plus coaching such major champions as Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods aswell as his ever glorius wife and daughter, Keith concluded there are 2 principal causes in Brians swing.

1 The upper body rotates open too soon on the downswing.
2 The upper body outraces the club on the downswing.

#1 CAUSE: Body opens too soon
     CURE: Right foot back

The right shoulder moves out and over on the downswing, causing the club to come into the ball on an outside-in swing path. The ball starts to the left of your target. Usually the hands and arms, sensing the club is coming down from the outside, hold the clubface open to the path, resulting in a pull slice . With iron shots, your divot points left of your target.
CURE: You want to feel as if the buttons on your shirt point to the right of the ball at impact . This drill will help promote that sensation: Hit practice balls with your right foot back, the heel down. Swing the club back, making a full shoulder turn . Then feel as if you swing primarily your arms and clubhead through impact. Let your body respond to the swinging of your arms and the releasing of the clubhead.

#2 CAUSE: Body outraces club
  CURE: Hit balls standing on one leg

Your ball starts to the right of your target, then curves even farther right. The likely cause is that your body outraces the clubhead.  The companion problem is flipping the hands at the ball in a compensatory effort to square up the clubface.

CURE:  On the range, use a wood and put the ball on a tee. Address as you normally would, but with your left leg positioned slightly inside the ball. Now stand only on your left foot . Swing the club back and through. Feel the sensation of your upper body staying behind the ball and only your arms swinging the club through impact. After you get the hang of making solid contact, you'll notice that the ball flight will be much improved--your shots should start on line and may even curve left. Alternate hitting five balls on one leg, then five with your normal swing. You will quickly ingrain the feeling of keeping your body quiet and your arms swinging freely.

If we think back to the 17th tee shot in Wednesdays TWO RANDER, we see this case in point, but even more so with his second shot into 18. The shot that sailed way left into the water and cost him "the perfect round". Join us again next week for some pointers in COACH'S CORNER.

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